Spring Clean the Mind

The event scene is hotting up with a calendar full of events and productions and our team is busy doing what we do best. It’s time to check in with ourself to make sure we are mentally strong and aware of our pinch points, whether that be at work, personally, or a combination of both.

As a Company, LZ believes in taking care of our well-being and promoting a positive work/life balance.

It’s well known that the hospitality and events sector often work irregular hours to deliver events and the 9-5 is something that doesn’t always fit in our world. If you are aware of your work/life balance and make a conscious effort to manage this balance in the same way you would a more traditional working pattern, there is a lot to be gained.

I was researching the topic of taking control of mental well-being and any reference to the events sector and came across some research that identified the events profession in the top 5 of stressful jobs. 1 in 3 event professionals will suffer a period of mental ill health at some stage, compared to 1 in 4 in other sectors. So, it is vitally important that we take time to check in and make any preparations we can to protect our well-being.

Balancing the thrill of the world of events and your well-being intact applies to all of us in the realm of events.

How do you take time to recharge?
Taking time to recharge might mean doing nothing, going to the gym, listening to a podcast, or hanging out with friends or family. Mine involves family time, getting to the gym and being outdoors supporting my children’s sports.

The important thing here is not necessarily what you do, but planning time to do what you enjoy. It might be an afternoon, a lunch hour, or something super simple such as 5 minutes at the start or end of the day.

This recharge principle can be applied to planning your working day. Take a break from your smartphone. We are all attached to our gadgets, checking emails, perusing social media, online shopping, etc. Try having a break from your phone each day for a set period and use that time for yourself.

At break time, take a walk, have time away from your desk or task in hand and detach for 5 mins, 30 minutes, or whatever time you can.

In the run-up to a big event, I try to implement a self-care routine. I try to get regular sleep and I take an interest in what I am eating – yes really. Did you know that the brain accounts for 20% of your daily energy requirements so consuming nutritious food that you enjoy can benefit your mental well-being!

It is time to embrace a better headspace and realise it’s moved on from a tick-box exercise. We owe it to ourselves.

88% of all UK employees have experienced burnout in the last two years!

31% of UK employees feel they do not have a good work/life balance!

I’d be interested to hear from my network how individuals/companies approach positive mental well-being for themselves and others.

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